ZAP Solutions has launched Class-G's new website. The company
was founded by Jim Scalo, Joe Blattner, and Mike Embrescia, who envisioned creating a simple, achievable, and affordable program to benefit communities. The mission of Class-G is to help businesses become more sustainable tomorrow than they were yesterday. Class-G will do this by working with commercial property owners and tenants to assist them in becoming more 'green' and economically friendly by measuring their level of sustainable management, promoting continuous improvement, and rewarding the owners and tenants in the process.
Class-G was able to advance their sustainability cause by utilizing services from ZAP Solutions. ZAP’s developers built the website so that it was capable of gathering client submissions and generating them in real-time from registration, contact forms, and inquiries. The site then saves the submissions into a database, so that Class-G can easily contact current clients and interested companies.
A crucial piece of the Class-G website is their sustainability checklist. ZAP built a functioning, multi-page form for customers to fill out a checklist, so that Class-G can measure the sustainablility of each customer. Measuring sustainability is a critical part of the program that Class-G created,
so it is essential that the checklist functions properly. A small snapshot of the checklist is shown to the left. It allows property owners and tenants to measure their building on a variety of factors, mark statements that they would eventually like to put on their ‘wishlist’, and then e-mail questions to colleagues based on their responses. The development of the Class-G website was an exciting and fun project for ZAP Solutions to work on. For more information on how you can custimize your website, contact us at ZAP Solutions.